Well, the official last day of Summer is September 21st! I've been meaning to put up a few pictures of our recent happenings...
On Labor Day we took Joey to the Dinosaur Museum (compliments of Nicole - she gave us tickets for Joey's birthday back in May)! Joey was so excited to be at the museum that he practically ran through the dang thing begging us to come look at this and come look at that. We got a couple good pictures of us on our trip. The last is my favorite. Joey had been there before and remembered the GIANT shark and kept telling me "You're gonna be SO freaked out! You gotta come see this!" When we finally made it into the room with the GIANT shark exhibit, Joey ended up crying and running into the next room. We tried getting a picture...it was great.
Our next outing was this last Friday. We went to the Salt Lake County Fair. This was the first fair I've ever been to, at least that I remember. Based on Friday's experience, it's not my cup of tea...but I'm willing to give it another go next year...I was not successful in remembering to take pictures but here are a few...
First thing's first: Joey had to get his ice cream cone :)
We HAD to get a picture of this cool race car!
Pettin' the goat!
Run little piggies (you can't see them)!
Joey riding the blue helicopter.
Joey FLYING through the playhouse.
That's hilarious about the giant shark! We took Amelia last month and we got a great picture of her yawning. She wasn't scared or anything! So funny. That's nice of Nicole. I love that museum! Lots of cool dino bones!